My Sincere Thanks

Hello Readers and Contributors,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you profusely for being as patient and kind as you have been over the last half a year or so while the magazine has been (mostly) dormant. Sometimes, despite our efforts, it is hard to maintain such a project as HIP Literary Magazine during an extremely difficult time. However, I am happy to report that we should be back in full swing NOW.

Please don’t hesitate to send in your submissions (poetry, fiction, nonfiction, reviews, humor, plays, etc.) to ACE.COKER12@GMAIL.COM

If you’ve done so and I have not responded, feel free to (politely) harass me and I’ll try to get back to you pronto! Please tell all your friends/colleagues/acquaintances/writer people that we’re open for submissions too so that we’ll be able to assess and collect a wealth of good writing!

Thanks again and be on the lookout for a movie review from me soon here on HIP!

Allie Coker-Schwimmer
